Helen of Troy
Product Description
Product Description This Curlin Iron is perfect for beinners. It's the complete packae with superior features that let you create all your favorite looks. The Hot Tools 1.5 inch curlin iron is desin to promote lon-lastin results and fast stylin, so you can be styl in no time and enjoy your oreous locks all day and niht. This curlin wand maintains consistent temperature so you et the perfect curl every time. A hih heat reach of up to 430 Deree provides beautiful results for all hair types from thin to coarse and in between. Tip: remember to start at a lower heat settin to help ruce heat damae, then work up If ne. All hair types require different temperatures - be sure to reseah what's riht for you if you are unsure! A soft-touch comfort rip makes it easy to have full stylin control and the extra-lon cool tip lets you rest your finers durin stylin to help protect from heat. Enjoy free rane of movement with 6ft. Of a tanle-free swivel cord. With this kind of performance, you won't be able to wait to et to stylin every day! Voltae: 110V.
Brand Story Hot Tools Prssional is a reliable brand that’s been winnin awards for over 25 years, creatin superior, stylist preferr stylin tools that consist of innovation in every way.